Robinson, the compound word, is a rare given name, while its derivative, Robin, has the distinction of being both a masculine and feminine given name. It can also be an Anglicization of such Jewish surnames as Rabinowitz and Rubinstein. The two names had been used interchangeably in some areas of the province around the beginning of the 20th century.

In Ireland, Robinson is most common in Ulster. BT recently unveiled a lengthy rant aimed toward fellow artist, Porter Robinson. According to the 1990 United States Census, Robinson was the twentieth most frequently encountered surname among those reported, accounting for 0.23% of the population. Robinson is the 15th-most common surname in the United Kingdom. There are similar surname spellings such as Robison and Robeson. It means "son of Robin (a diminutive of Robert)". Robinson is an English language patronymic surname, originating in England.

Hopkins, Robertson, Robyns, Robins, Robben, Robens, Robbings, Robeson, Robison "son of Robin" "Robin" means "fame-bright"